Family Liaison

Attendance Policy

Attendance Policy & Procedures

When students attend school regularly, they have better opportunities to achieve excellence academically. Our goal is to provide students and families the support and resources to reduce school absences. The Attendance Committee consists of School Administrators who will work together to monitor student attendance.

The Committee has created the following protocols with the goal of establishing a better communication system regarding absences and need for support:
  1. For each date a student is absent, families will receive an automated message. 
    1. Families will be able to explain their child’s absence by contacting the school or completing the Absence Response Form. 

  2. On the third consecutive unexcused absence, Classroom Teachers will contact families to discuss the absences and offer support and assistance if needed. 

  1. When a student is absent for three consecutive dates, bus services are suspended as per OPT policy. 
    1. The Transportation Coordinator will contact families to determine the student's return date. 
    2. Services will resume again after the Transportation Coordinator informs the bus company or the family contact the bus company to resume services.

  1. After a student has five unexcused absences, the Classroom Teacher will notify the Principal. The Principal will contact the family. The Principal will schedule a crisis meeting with the Attendance Committee when additional support is needed 

  1. After a student has ten unexcused absences, Lexington is required to inform the local Committee of Special Education (CSE) representative for further outreach. 

  1. If the Attendance Committee determines that there is educational neglect, a report to ACS will be made.  

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Created: July 2022  
Approved: August 2022
Revised: August 2022, August 2023, August 2024