Support Services

Family Resource & Language Services

Lexington's Family Resource & Language Services Team fosters communication and provides support to families and students.
The Family Resource & Language Services Team arranges foreign language interpretation services for families throughout their child’s enrollment at Lexington. Family Resource & Language Services is an important resource to Lexington staff and creates an atmosphere of acceptance and respect for students’ home languages and cultures. The team also translates documents and helps connect families to resources in the community.

Interpretation Services Provided For:
  • Ready to Learn individual and playgroup sessions
  • Parent-teacher conferences
  • New student intake
  • Committee on Special Education (SEC) & Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) meetings to discuss Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meetings
  • Open houses
  • Student performances
  • Parent workshops and other special events.

Family Resource & Language Services

For additional information regarding the Family Resource & Language Services Team, please contact:

Giselle Sanchez, Lead English-Spanish Interpreter & Translator
Intérprete y Traductora Principal Inglés-español

Kerstti Vega, English-Spanish Interpreter & Translator
Intérprete y Traductora Inglés-español

Family Resource & Language Services 

Phone: 718-350-3248 or 718-350-3249