About Us

Purpose & Vision

Our purpose is to foster a language rich education that connects and empowers deaf students so they will soar into their futures.

Our aspiration is to become the leader in deaf education, programs, and services with a vibrant community that is adaptable and accessible to all.

List of 2 items.

  • Core Values

      We provide a physically and emotionally safe environment for students, staff, families, and the community.
       We recognize others' beliefs and practices. We are professional and collegial in our dealings with others.   
    Accountable   We are responsible for providing deaf students with a language rich educational program that meets or exceeds New York State standards. Our educational approach addresses the whole student and prepares students for success in their adult lives. 
    Respectful   We believe that all individuals should be treated with dignity and respect. We acknowledge the importance of language-accessibility for all.
  • Lexington School for the Deaf Foundation

    The mission of Lexington School for the Deaf Foundation is to support the programs and activities conducted by Lexington School for the Deaf and its affiliates through fundraising and other charitable endeavors. Lexington School for the Deaf and Lexington School for the Deaf Foundation are 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organizations. The Lexington School for the Deaf Foundation is registered with the New York State Charities Bureau as a charitable organization and holds
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