The 4201 Schools Association has launched a letter campaign.
They are encouraging our schools, students, parents, teachers, support staff, and alumni to send letters to Governor Hochul and State Legislators asking them to include funding in the final enacted state budget to support the continued success of our students. It takes two minutes to sign on and make your voice heard!
Resonance and Resilience: #FeeltheMusic2025 Concert is returning on April 11!
Celebrating the 10th anniversary of #FeelTheMusic, come enjoy the American Sign Language musical performances by deaf artists. Interpreters and CART will be present.
Everett Lounge and Milbank Chapel at Teachers College, Columbia University
Enter the Zankel building's main entrance (bring your photo id):
Hands United is sharing this calendar of opportunities for Spanish Speaking Families of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children.
The organizations they list provide workshops or classes. Please note the times listed are for the West Coast (PST). To see when to join if you are here in New York (EST) please click read more. Zoom information will be provided there as well. See the flyer here.
PBS is offering ASL translation for a media study for children, ages 3-6. Watch a story with your child and answer a few questions! Sessions will take approximately 45 min. See the flyer for full details.
** Please note the Lexington School for the Deaf is not involved in the project and has no position on whether the families should or should not participate.
Christine Sun Kim's art will be on display at the Whitney Museum of Art Through July 6.
As an artist she is described as 'relentlessly experimental, productive, and dedicated to sharing her Deaf lived experiences with others.' If you are interested in learning more about the exhibit and their events, you can visit their website.
Bridge Multimedia and PBS KIDS are inviting families to share feedback on games as they strive to increase accessibility for Deaf children and understand what makes them fun for you!
TO PARTICIPATE OR LEARN MORE: For more information contact Wendy Sapp, PhD, at or go to the registration link to sign up to participate.
** Please note the Lexington School for the Deaf is not involved in the project and has no position on whether the families should or should not participate.
No matter your story, parent/guardian involvement is vital to the success of every single student here at Lexington! We want to hear from you and ask you to share with us, ask questions, speak up, and join in!
Communication is a two way street and we are here to support you through our multilingual platform called Talking Points! Connect directly to your child's teachers and support team using your home language. Click here to learn about your options and download the app for more features and support.
Don't miss these additional opportunities to connect with the school team and be part of your child's success as they progress academically and build independence and life skills. Learn more by clicking the links below:
Meet the Teacher Nights and Family/Teachers Conferences
IEP (Individualized Education Program) meetingsThese happen every year (Preschool through 12th grade) and are an important part of transition planning to make sure they are ready for graduation.
As a 4201 School located in New York City, some of the services and resources come through the NYC Department of Education (DOE). This includes the yellow bus service to and from school (through the Office of Pupil Transportation), SNAP lunch benefits, and more.
Below are some of the main links you will need to answer questions and navigate the system.
File a Bussing Complaint with the Office of Pupil Transportation (Learn what you as a parent/guardian can do if your family is having issues with the bus - who to contact, how to file a complaint and how to join other families working to advocate for changes.)
Through the New York City Department of Education (DOE), lunch is now completely free for all students in every New York City public school. Breakfast is already provided for free and now all meals will be served at no charge to families. Please fill out a Family Income Inquiry Form even though your child will be receiving free lunch. You can fill out an online form at or request a paper form from the main office.
If you and your family are needing additional support or are looking for community programs here in NYC we encourage you to explore these resources below. For additional support, contact your family liaison or school social worker.
Join the Saturday Program for free activities to connect with other Deaf/HH children ages 5 and up. Participate in events, field trips around NYC, and parent/caregiver groups.
Especially for families new to the Deaf community, the learning curve can feel big! If you are not sure where to begin, explore our
Learning Center (Coming soon!)
No matter where you are in your learning journey, it will help provide videos, resources, and things to do with your child to build language learning at home! Also, we encourage you to check out the family resources and opportunities from these organizations below:
* No matter your family's unique needs, modalities, or home languages, we want to be a resource for you! For help navigating which resources are best for you please contact your family liaison.
For more...
Ask about the Deaf Mentorship Program at Lexington
Provide workshops and resources to help families learn about IEPs, CPSE meetings, and special educations supports that may be available to your child.
New Student Orientation
List of 1 items.
Welcome to the Lexington Family!
We know that starting in a new school can be overwhelming. We hope the below slideshows will help ease your transition to Lexington. As always, if you have questions, please reach out to our Family Support Team at!