We are so excited to have you joining us and just wanted to pass along our
5 biggest tips for using this time to learn American Sign Language!
- Put the dates in your calendar - you must show up to learn the material! If something comes up, please communicate by emailing me at msmith@lexnyc.org. I will pass it on to your teachers.
NO CLASS ON 2/18, 2/19, 2/20
- If you can’t connect or have issues – reach out!
Laptops and ipads will provide the fullest view and remember, these classes will not have audio. You and your teacher will be muted to help you learn with your eyes!
If you want to get more comfortable on Zoom, here are some tutorials:
- English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftfLTM4B6-g&t=1s
- Spanish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvQRQPLZuTc
- Do you need more help?
Email msmith@lexnyc.org to set up a time!
- Try to give the class your full attention - We know there is always a lot going on but try to save the cooking, commuting, outside conversations for before or after class time so you don’t distract the others.
- Watch this fun video to learn how to position your screen! Check it out here😊 Also review the welcome sheet for more tips on learning in class.
- Find your booklets here - Please know if you requested a paper version we will do our best to get that sent home/ mailed out this week. If you are level 3 or above you will be using the ABC book instead.
- LEVEL 1 and 2 Booklet
(PDF in English and Spanish...We appreciate your patience as we finalize the full translations.)
Have fun and know you have a team here to support your journey.
Also for more practice, check out the resources in the drop down below! We celebrate you and your commitment to learning ASL!
Family Liaison, Lexington School for the Deaf